Selasa, 12 Juli 2016

Teachers Digital Skills Chart

July 12, 2016
For those of you who have missed this chart we published a few months ago, we are re-sharing it below and we are also working on a visual version that will be ready probably next week. The chart features what we believe are essential digital skills every teacher should be familiar with. For each of these skills we come up with a collection of web tools that can help you cultivate it. We invite you to check it out and share with your colleagues. Enjoy

Digital Skills
Record and edit audio clips
Create annotated, interactive and engaging  video content
Create visually engaging content
Use social networking websites to create PLNs,  connect , discover new content, and grow professionally
Use blogs and wikis to create participatory spaces for students
Use Social bookmarking websites curate and  share resources with your class
Create Engaging presentations
Create digital portfolios
Create non-traditional quizzes

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