Rabu, 13 Juli 2016

A New Excellent Google Forms Feature to Auto Grade Quizzes

July 3, 2016
Google Forms has recently introduced a new powerful feature that allows teachers to auto-grade multiple choice and checkbox questions. Grading students' quizzes has always been one of the main concern for teachers using Google forms for before this new update  Google Forms did not support automatic grading and teachers had to use third party add-ons such as Flubaroo to do this job ( for a detailed comparison between Forms quiz and Flubaroo check out this excellent guide).

google forms grading feature

Additionally, ‘Teachers can also add review materials in the form of explanations, supplemental websites or review videos — so students can get quick, actionable feedback. Plus, teachers can get instant feedback on student progress, so they know which lessons need more explanation and what to teach next. We’ve also added a common request from educators to disallow students from sending themselves a copy of their responses.’ We are working on a detailed guide on how to incorporate this new feature in your Google Forms quizzes and we'll share it with you as soon as it’s ready.

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