Selasa, 28 April 2015

CITOC Seminar on Electronic Criminal Environment

The Court Information Technology Officer Consortium (CITOC) Education Sub-Committee is pleased to host this webinar for CITOC members on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 1:00pm EST.  The topic will be Electronic Criminal Environment and will be hosted by Brett Howard from the Orange County Superior Court.

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Kamis, 16 April 2015

Nebraska Shares Court Case Data Protection Rules

There has been a recent discussion regarding how courts are dealing with information privacy issues for their document repositories.  The Nebraska courts have posted their criminal and civil case court rules governing these documents on two web pages.  And Ms. Jennifer Rasmussen, their CIO notes that “(t)hese rules have allowed us to make court document images available online since 2008 and are working well.  In addition, we did a spot check in 2013 to see if attorneys were complying and found very few instances where they were not.”

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Kamis, 09 April 2015

This and That in Court Technology – April/Spring 2015 Edition

From a flowering springtime in Williamsburg, Virginia we share our latest news bites from around the court tech world.  In this edition we share news about a CTC scholarship, social media process service, another electronic verification failure, new mobile phone apps for scanning and court check in, a white paper on court technology in 2020, and conference news.

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Senin, 06 April 2015

JTC Resource Bulletin on Electronic Records Preservation and Disposition . . .

Our court’s case records are finally all electronic (well, almost) and storage is cheap and fast – so we won’t ever need to purge case records again, right? Well, you may want to reconsider if that’s what you’re thinking. A new Joint Technology Committee (JTC) Resource Bulletin, “Developing an Electronic Records Preservation and Disposition Plan,” explores a myriad of issues relating to electronic records retention. It builds on a 2012-2013 Policy Paper published by the Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA), “To Protect and Preserve: Standards for Maintaining and Managing 21st Century Court Records.”
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Rabu, 01 April 2015

Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Data Exchange Working Group Reports Draft Standard

NCSC Principal Court Management Consultant, Dale Kasparek shares work that is ongoing in support of court compliance of CDL disposition reporting via data exchange and more in today’s CTB post

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